четвъртък, 15 май 2014 г.

Reborn (The Wanderers #2) by Jessica Miller

I was given the book free of charge in exchange for an honest review(Lovers of Paranormal). The following review contains spoilers.

Rating 8 of 10

The second book in "The Wanderers" series. I must say I liked it better than the first one. But let's starts from the beginning.
Tristan is dead, Josie too and Ella is devastated. I got the tattoo rebelion and that was an interesting idea for self pain inflicting. But why she was so opposed to the new school I didn't get. Obviously Ella still have a great problem with autority cause I think she didn't really mind going to the school, she minded that she was told to go. Anyway, for the rest of the book I sort of liked her. She figured it out that something wrong is going on with her and Aiden and I really liked the fact that she devoted to training without much complaining. I didn't questioned as much her age in this book. I questioned her gender once or twice thought. I have never seen a girl so clueless about a boy having hots for her. Girls usually sniff things like that from miles away and I personally thought, that in Roman't case it was way obvious actually. The stupidiest thing in the book Ella did for me was chasing after Jack in the maze. Come on, girl, he is after you, not the other way around. You get to pick the fighting ground if he wants to get to you. Instead Ella let him lead her where he can have more help. Dumb, very dumb!
Altogether, Ella didn't annoyed me as much in that book as in the first.
I liked Roman but not overly so. He is a nice guy, but he tends to make assumptions without all the facts. I think he is a good match for Ella actually.
I liked Billy even more in this book. He is becoming a very interesting character. Dixon holds a special place in my heart from the previous book and I was so pleasntly surprized to meet him again.
Overal solid 4 stars for that book and strong interest for the next one. Hope Ella will finally start acting her real age and not as a spoiled kid. Off to book 3...

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